Adobe Illustrator Contact Sheet JSX Plugin

Author : Scott Lewis

Tags : Adobe Illustrator, Javascript

I don't like performing tedious, time-consuming tasks, especially when those tasks are non-revenue generating, which means they take time away from things I could be doing to increase revenue. The most time-consuming and tedious task I have to perform over-and-over is creating contacts sheet previews of my icons. The problem is that every marketplace has different requirements for preview image sizes and so a new contact sheet has to be created for each marketplace.

I wrote the Contact Sheet for Adobe Illustrator for Iconfinder to help our designers spend more time creating products and less time creating previews.

 * Name that script.
#script "Contact Sheet";

#target Illustrator

var originalInteractionLevel = userInteractionLevel;
userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DONTDISPLAYALERTS;

 *  @author -
 * @date    2016-09-13
 *  Installation:
 *  1. Copy this file to Illustrator > Presets > Scripting
 *  2. Restart Adobe Illustrator
 *  3. Go to File > Scripts > Contact Sheet
 *  4. Follow the prompts
 *  Usage:
 *  This script will create a contact sheet of vector objects from a folder structure
 *  that you specify. As of 13-09-2016 the script will only work with folder structures
 *  nested 1 level deep (Parent > Subfolders). This was done intentionally to allow
 *  for creating contacts sheets of categorized icons where the user wants to
 *  be able to specify the order of the categories.
 *  Inputs:
 *      Page Width:     The width of the contact sheet in pixels
 *      Page Height:    The height of the contact sheet in pixels
 *      Column Width:   The width of the columns in pixels
 *      Row Height:     The height of the rows in pixels
 *      Scale:          The percentage (100 = 100%) to scale the objects being placed
 *  The resulting contact sheet will have margins that are calculated thus: subtracting
 *  Left & Right Margins = (Page Width - Column Width * Column Count) / 2
 *  Top & Bottom Margins = (Page Height - Row Height * Row Count) / 2
 *  Copyright:
 *      (c) copyright: -
 *      copyright full text can be found in the accompanying file license.txt

var LANG = {
    CHOOSE_FOLDER: "Please choose your Folder of files to place...",
    NO_SELECTION: "No selection",
    LABEL_SETTINGS: "Contact Sheet Settings",
    LABEL_PG_WIDTH: "Page Width:",
    LABEL_PG_HEIGHT: "Page Height:",
    LABEL_COL_COUNT: "Column Count:",
    LABEL_ROW_COUNT: "Row Count:",
    LABEL_SCALE: "Scale:",
    LABEL_FILE_NAME: "File Name:",
    LABEL_LOGGING: "Logging?",
    BUTTON_CANCEL: "Cancel",
    BUTTON_OK: "Ok",
    DOES_NOT_EXIST: " does not exist",
    LAYER_NOT_CREATED: "Could not create layer. "

var CONFIG = {

     * Whether or not to add the file name as text
     * under the imported icons.
    ADD_LABELS: true,

     * Number of rows

    ROWS: 20,

     * Number of columns

    COLS: 10,

     * Top & bottom page margins

    VOFF: 64,

     * Left & Right page margins

    HOFF: 64,

     * Row height. This is set programmatically.

    ROW_WIDTH: 128,

     * Column Height. This is set programmatically.

    COL_WIDTH: 128,

     * @deprecated
    FRM_WIDTH: 128,

     * @deprecated
    FRM_HEIGHT: 128,

     * Artboard width
     * 10 columns 128 px wide, with 64 px page margins

    PG_WIDTH: 1408,

     * Artboard height
     * 20 rows 128 px tall, with 64 px page margins

    PG_HEIGHT: 2688,

     * Not yet fully-implemented. Will support multiple units

    PG_UNITS: "px",

     * @deprecated

    GUTTER: 0,

     * Enter scale in percentage 1-100

    SCALE: 100,

     * Illustrator version compatibility

    AIFORMAT: Compatibility.ILLUSTRATOR10,

     * If the icon is larger than the cell size, shrink it to the cell size

    SHRINK_TO_FIT: true,

     * Start folder for selection

    START_FOLDER: Folder.desktop,

     * The contact sheet file name

    FILENAME: "contact-sheet",

     * Enable logging?

    LOGGING: true,

     * Log file location

    LOG_FILE_PATH: Folder.desktop + "/ai-contactsheet-log.txt",

     * Verbose logging output?
    DEBUG: true,

     * @deprecated

    SKIP_COLS: 0,

     * Not fully-implemented

    STRIP: ["svg", "ai", "eps", "txt", "pdf"]

 * Displays the settings dialog
 * Inputs:
 *    - skip columns
 *    - page width
 *    - page height
 *    - cell width
 *    - cell height
 *    - scale
 *    - logging enabled
 *    - number of cols        = divide page width by cell width
 *    - number of rows        = divide page height by cell height
 *    - side margins          = (page width - (col count * col width))/2
 *    - top/bottom margins    = (page height - (row count * row width))/2
 * @return Settings object
function doDisplayDialog() {

    var dialog = new Window("dialog", LANG.LABEL_SETTINGS, [550, 350, 900, 700]);
    var response = false;

    try {
        dialog.pageWidthLabel = dialog.add("statictext", [32, 30, 132, 60], LANG.LABEL_PG_WIDTH);
        dialog.pageWidth = dialog.add("edittext", [150, 30, 200, 60], CONFIG.PG_WIDTH); = true;

        dialog.pageHeightLabel = dialog.add("statictext", [32, 70, 132, 100], LANG.LABEL_PG_HEIGHT);
        dialog.pageHeight = dialog.add("edittext", [150, 70, 200, 100], CONFIG.PG_HEIGHT); = true;

        dialog.colsLabel = dialog.add("statictext", [32, 110, 132, 140], LANG.LABEL_COL_COUNT);
        dialog.cols = dialog.add("edittext", [150, 110, 200, 140], CONFIG.COLS); = true;

        dialog.rowsLabel = dialog.add("statictext", [32, 150, 132, 180], LANG.LABEL_ROW_COUNT);
        dialog.rows = dialog.add("edittext", [150, 150, 200, 180], CONFIG.ROWS); = true;

        dialog.scaleLabel = dialog.add("statictext", [32, 190, 132, 220], LANG.LABEL_SCALE);
        dialog.scale = dialog.add("edittext", [150, 190, 200, 220], CONFIG.SCALE); = true;

        dialog.filenameLabel = dialog.add("statictext", [32, 230, 132, 260], LANG.LABEL_FILE_NAME);
        dialog.filename = dialog.add("edittext", [150, 230, 320, 260], CONFIG.FILENAME); = true;

        dialog.logging = dialog.add('checkbox', [32, 270, 132, 340], LANG.LABEL_LOGGING);
        dialog.logging.value = CONFIG.LOGGING;

        dialog.cancelBtn = dialog.add("button", [80, 300, 170, 330], LANG.BUTTON_CANCEL, {
            name: "cancel"
        dialog.openBtn = dialog.add("button", [180, 300, 270, 330], LANG.BUTTON_OK, {
            name: "ok"

        dialog.cancelBtn.onClick = function() {
            response = false;
            return false;

        dialog.openBtn.onClick = function() {

            CONFIG.PG_WIDTH = parseInt(dialog.pageWidth.text);
            CONFIG.PG_HEIGHT = parseInt(dialog.pageHeight.text);
            CONFIG.LOGGING = dialog.logging.value;
            CONFIG.SCALE = parseInt(dialog.scale.text);

            CONFIG.COLS = parseInt(dialog.cols.text);
            CONFIG.ROWS = parseInt(dialog.rows.text);


            if (CONFIG.DEBUG) {
                logger("CONFIG.PG_WIDTH: " + CONFIG.PG_WIDTH);
                logger("CONFIG.PG_HEIGHT: " + CONFIG.PG_HEIGHT);
                logger("CONFIG.FRM_WIDTH: " + CONFIG.FRM_WIDTH);
                logger("CONFIG.FRM_HEIGHT: " + CONFIG.FRM_HEIGHT);
                logger("CONFIG.COL_WIDTH: " + CONFIG.COL_WIDTH);
                logger("CONFIG.ROW_HEIGHT: " + CONFIG.ROW_HEIGHT);
                logger("CONFIG.SCALE: " + CONFIG.SCALE);
                logger("CONFIG.ROWS: " + CONFIG.ROWS);
                logger("CONFIG.COLS: " + CONFIG.COLS);
                logger("CONFIG.VOFF: " + CONFIG.VOFF);
                logger("CONFIG.HOFF: " + CONFIG.HOFF);

            response = true;
            return true;
    } catch (ex) {
    return response;

 * Utility function to strip the file extension from a user-supplied file name
 * @param <string> filename
 * @return <string> The new file name sans extension
function stripFileExtension(filename) {
    var bits = filename.split(".");
    var bit = bits[bits.length - 1];
    var found = false;
    if (bits.length > 1 && bit) {
        for (ext in CONFIG.STRIP) {
            if (ext.toLowerCase() == bit.toLowerCase()) {
                found = true;
    if (found) bits = bits[bits.length - 1] = "";
    return bits.join(".");

 * Main logic to create the contact sheet.
 * @return void
function doCreateContactSheet() {

    var doc, fileList, i, srcFolder, svgFile,
        svgFilePath, saveCompositeFile, allFiles,
        theFolders, svgFileList, theLayer;

    var saveCompositeFile = false;

    srcFolder = Folder.selectDialog(LANG.CHOOSE_FOLDER, CONFIG.START_FOLDER);

    if (srcFolder != null) {

        allFiles = srcFolder.getFiles();
        theFolders = [];

        for (var x = 0; x < allFiles.length; x++) {
            if (allFiles[x] instanceof Folder) {

        svgFileList = [];
        if (theFolders.length == 0) {
            svgFileList = srcFolder.getFiles(/\.svg$/i);
        } else {
            for (var x = 0; x < theFolders.length; x++) {
                // Gets just the SVG files...
                fileList = theFolders[x].getFiles(/\.svg$/i);
                for (var n = 0; n < fileList.length; n++) {

        if (svgFileList.length > 0) {

            if (!doDisplayDialog()) {

            if (CONFIG.FILENAME.replace(" ", "") == "") {
                CONFIG.FILENAME =" ", "-") + "-all";
            // CONFIG.FILENAME = stripFileExtension(CONFIG.FILENAME);

            app.coordinateSystem = CoordinateSystem.ARTBOARDCOORDINATESYSTEM;

            doc = app.documents.add(
                CONFIG.PG_COUNT = Math.ceil(svgFileList.length / (CONFIG.ROWS * CONFIG.COLS)),
                Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.ceil(svgFileList.length / (CONFIG.ROWS * CONFIG.COLS))))

            for (var i = 0; i < svgFileList.length; i++) {

                var board;
                var bounds;
                var x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0;

                var myRowHeight = CONFIG.ROW_HEIGHT + CONFIG.GUTTER;
                var myColumnWidth = CONFIG.COL_WIDTH + CONFIG.GUTTER
                var myFrameWidth = CONFIG.FRM_WIDTH
                var myFrameHeight = CONFIG.FRM_HEIGHT

                for (var pageCounter = CONFIG.PG_COUNT - 1; pageCounter >= 0; pageCounter--) {

                    board = doc.artboards[pageCounter];
                    bounds = board.artboardRect;
                    boardWidth = Math.round(bounds[2] - bounds[0]);

                    // loop through rows

                    var rowCount = Math.ceil((svgFileList.length / CONFIG.COLS));

                    rowCount = CONFIG.ROWS > rowCount ? rowCount : CONFIG.ROWS;

                    // If we are skipping a column, chances are we need to
                    // add a new row for the overflow of the shift. Even if there
                    // is not a new row needed, there are no consequences for
                    // adding one, so just in case.

                    if (CONFIG.SKIP_COLS > 0) {

                    for (var rowCounter = 1; rowCounter <= rowCount; rowCounter++) {

                        myY1 = bounds[1] + CONFIG.VOFF + (myRowHeight * (rowCounter - 1));
                        myY2 = myY1 + CONFIG.FRM_HEIGHT;

                        // loop through columns

                        var colCount = CONFIG.COLS;

                        if (rowCounter > 1) {

                            var remaining = Math.ceil(svgFileList.length - i);
                            if (remaining < colCount) {
                                colCount = remaining;

                        for (var columnCounter = 1; columnCounter <= colCount; columnCounter++) {
                            try {

                                // A hack to allow merging multiple contact sheets
                                // Shift the starting row so it aligns nicely with
                                // the icons already in the master contact sheet.

                                if (CONFIG.SKIP_COLS > 0 && rowCounter == 1 && columnCounter <= CONFIG.SKIP_COLS) {

                                var f = new File(svgFileList[i]);

                                if (f.exists) {

                                    try {
                                        if (i == 0) {
                                            theLayer = doc.layers[0];
                                        } else {
                                            theLayer = doc.layers.add();

                                    } catch (ex) {
                                        logger(LANG.LAYER_NOT_CREATED + ex);
                                    svgFile = doc.groupItems.createFromFile(f);

                                    var liveWidth = (CONFIG.COLS * (CONFIG.FRM_WIDTH + CONFIG.GUTTER)) - CONFIG.GUTTER;
                                    var hoff = Math.ceil((CONFIG.PG_WIDTH - liveWidth) / 2);

                                    myX1 = bounds[0] + hoff + (myColumnWidth * (columnCounter - 1));
                                    myX2 = myX1 + CONFIG.FRM_HEIGHT;

                                    var shiftX = Math.ceil((CONFIG.FRM_WIDTH - svgFile.width) / 2);
                                    var shiftY = Math.ceil((CONFIG.FRM_WIDTH - svgFile.height) / 2);

                                    x1 = myX1 + shiftX;
                                    y1 = (myY1 + shiftY) * -1;

                                    try {
                                        svgFile.position = [x1, y1];

                                        if (typeof(svgFile.resize) == "function") {
                                            svgFile.resize(CONFIG.SCALE, CONFIG.SCALE);

                                        if (CONFIG.ADD_LABELS) {
                                            addLabel(theLayer, [x1, y1 - (svgFile.height + 20)],

                                        // Only save the composite file if at least one
                                        // icon exists and is successfully imported.
                                        saveCompositeFile = true;

                                    } catch (ex) {
                                        try {
                                            svgFile.position = [0, 0];
                                        } catch (ex) {
                                            /*Exit Gracefully*/ }
                                } else {
                                    logger(svgFileList[i] + LANG.DOES_NOT_EXIT);
                            } catch (ex) {
                if (saveCompositeFile)
                    saveFileAsAi(srcFolder.path + "/" + CONFIG.FILENAME);

 * Arranges items in the selection on a grid
 * @param <selection> sel    The current selection
 * @return void
function arrangeItems(sel) {

    var board;
    var bounds;
    var itemBounds;
    var cols;
    var cellSize;
    var x1 = y1 = 0;
    var boardWidth, boardHeight;

    board = doc.artboards[doc.artboards.getActiveArtboardIndex()];
    bounds = board.artboardRect;

    boardWidth = Math.round(bounds[2] - bounds[0]);

    cols = CONFIG.NUM_COLS;
    rows = CONFIG.NUM_ROWS;

    x1 = bounds[0] + cellSize;
    y1 = bounds[1] - cellSize;

    for (var i = 0, slen = sel.length; i < slen; i++) {

        theItem = sel[i];

        itemBounds = theItem.visibleBounds; = y1 - ((cellSize - theItem.height) / 2);
        theItem.left = x1 + ((cellSize - theItem.width) / 2);


        x1 += cellSize;

        if (i % cols == cols - 1) {
            x1 = bounds[0] + cellSize;
            y1 -= cellSize;


        // The bounds are plotted on a Cartesian Coordinate System.
        // So a 32 x 32 pixel artboard with have the following coords:
        // (assumes the artboard is positioned at 0, 0)
        // x1 = -16, y1 = 16, x2 = 16, y2 = -16

        // board.artboardRect = [x1, y1, x2, y2];

        board.artboardRect = [
            bounds[0] + ((cols * cellSize) + (2 * cellSize)),
            bounds[1] - (rows * cellSize)

 * Places a text label
 * @param {string} text
 * @param {string} pos - The X/Y position of the label
 * @param {string} size - The text content of the label
 * @returns void
function addLabel(layer, pos, theText) {
    try {
        var theLabel = layer.textFrames.add();

        theLabel.contents = theText;

        var charAttributes = theLabel.textRange.characterAttributes;
        var parAttributes = theLabel.paragraphs[0].paragraphAttributes;

        charAttributes.size = 8;
        parAttributes.justification = Justification.CENTER;

        try {
            theLabel.position = pos;
        } catch (e) {
            alert('labelPosition : ' + e)

        return theLabel;
    } catch (e) {
        alert('addLabel : ' + e)

 * Saves the file in AI format.
 * @param <string> The file destination path
 * @return void
function saveFileAsAi(dest) {
    if (app.documents.length > 0) {
        var options = new IllustratorSaveOptions();
        var theDoc = new File(dest);
        options.compatibility = CONFIG.AIFORMAT;
        options.flattenOutput = OutputFlattening.PRESERVEAPPEARANCE;
        options.pdfCompatible = true;
        app.activeDocument.saveAs(theDoc, options);

 * Aligns selection to nearest whole pixel
 * @param <selection> sel The selection object
 * @return void
function alignToNearestPixel(sel) {
    try {
        if (typeof sel != "object") {

        } else {

            for (i = 0; i < sel.length; i++) {
                sel[i].left = Math.round(sel[i].left);
                sel[i].top = Math.round(sel[i].top);
    } catch (ex) {

 * Logging for this script.
 * @param <string> The logging text
 * @return void
function logger(txt) {
    if (CONFIG.LOGGING == 0) return;
    var file = new File(CONFIG.LOG_FILE_PATH);"e", "TEXT", "????");, 2);
    $ != -1 ? file.lineFeed = 'windows' : file.lineFeed = 'macintosh';
    file.writeln("[" + new Date().toUTCString() + "] " + txt);

 * Aligns the item to the nearest pixel for crisp rendering.
 * @param <object> item    The item to align
 * @return void
function alignToNearestPixel(item) {
    if (item.height) {
        item.height = moveToPixel(item.height);
    if (item.width) {
        item.width = moveToPixel(item.width);
    } = moveToPixel(;
    item.left = moveToPixel(item.left);

 * Adjusts a value to the nearest whole number
 * @param <float> n   The value to adjust
 * @return <int>
function moveToPixel(n) {
    return Math.round(n)


userInteractionLevel = originalInteractionLevel;
Posted in Adobe Illustrator | Tag: Adobe Illustrator, Javascript

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